Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Fp är ju rasister! Eller?

Fan också! När man äntligen funnit sin politiska hemvist (socialliberalismen) och det närmaste alternativet i svensk politik (fp), så raseras allt.

Jag jobbade på ja-sidan under kampanjen inför eurovalet 2003 och kom i kontakt med många politiskt aktiva och medvetna människor. Där grundlades min syn på fp som partiet med de mest kompetenta medlemmarna och värderingar som låg mig närmast. Kanske därför har jag inte velat tro på allt snack om att fp skulle fiska på grumligt vatten. Jag missade dessutom inslaget i Dokument inifrån som tog upp ämnet (Snällfällan), artiklar i DN och Aftonbladet.

Nu har jag tagit del av bland annat detta och jag är i sanning upprörd! Har fp helt lämnat sin socialliberala hållning som Bengt Westerberg stod för? Och antagit en populistisk, mörk stig i sällskap med danska Venstre? Det verkar inte bättre. I ren desperation över vikande siffror har Lars Leijonborg sålt sin själ!

Vid närmare eftertanke var det där nog en överdrivern reaktion. Läs tex Ett folkligare folkparti i DN. Sanningen finns väl som vanligt någonstans mittemellan... Men det är fullt möjligt att c nu får min riksdagsröst ändå, tack vare deras miljöfokus. Så får fp kommunalrösten...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Why would men be from Mars and women from Venus?

I got a mail from a female friend in Ireland who said she definately thought men are from Mars and women from Venus and I started to ponder about equality...

I don't agree at all about the differencr between men and women. I'd say we are all different and it's not at all up to the sex wheather you get along or not. But then again, there are many conventions - men are supposed to behave like this and women like that - and if you stick to that, it might get easier, just bacause everyone knows the rules. But only on a superficial level, because noone can live by rules alone...

I think the basic reason why the men are from Mars... myth is still strong is that men and women are treated differently from the moment they're born. Boys are supposed to be out, getting dirty, while girls are supposed to play silently with their dolls. Many (most?) people resign and adopt to the way they are supposed to be, hiding their true desires and needs.

Also, boys are always grouped together with the other boys, the girls with the girls, and never shall they meet as equals. Of course there'll be misunderstandings! If all people were treated equally, as individuals, all people could do what they wanted to do, meet whomever they'd like to see and just act naturally.

Even now, there would be all kinds of people, though, some of them not understanding others, but that's only natural! The difference being that no more would men be from Mars and women from Venus, only some people would be from Mars and others from Venus. And others from all kinds of other planets too! We have to broaden our horizon...

Monday, August 21, 2006

The terrorism threat - is it all bullshit?

I'd say it is actually. Invented by the Republican regime to excuse the attack on a foreign power that didn't obey the rules of the last superpower. Jan Guillou has a column in Aftonbladet addressing one aspect of all this - how come some violence is ok but some is "terrorism". Nelson Mandela was once called a terrorist...
In another coloumn he ponders about the Brittish flight terrorists discovery. Was it all a fake?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Svensk misär - orsakad av godsägare Persson

En debattartikel i DN idag - Lågavlönade kvinnor betalar Perssons saneringsprogram - och antologin "Sanningen om Sverige" sätter fingret på vad som gått snett i Sverige under de senaste 15 åren.

Det började med krisåren i början på 90-talet. I motsats till framgångsrika länder som Finland (där en bred politisk enighet genomdrev väl tänkta besparingar och därmed vitaliserade och räddade ekonomin) så var Göran Perssons taktik att skyffla kostnader till lägre nivåer. Skolan blev kommunal, vissa delar av vården landstingskommunal osv. På detta sätt sanerades för all del statsfinanserna, men problemen kvarstod. Nu blev det kommunerna och landstingen som fick ta smällen. Motsvarande 424000 helårstjänster försvann! Andelen lågutbildade kvinnor (som ju SAP påstår sig värna om) utan jobb ökade från 13% 1990 till 37% 2004.

Kort efter de delegerade massuppsägningarna började ohälsotalen växa. Antalet sjukskrivna fördubblades mellan 1994 och 2004. Mer än 10% av Sveriges vuxna är idag sjukpensionärer! Över 1 miljon svenskar står utanför den reguljära arbetsmarknaden.

Vad värre är: Regeringen ljuger ständigt. Siffror putsas genom att människor flyttas från en statistikkolumn till en annan - arbetslösa blir sjukskrivna blir sjukpensionärer. Bara för att kunna visa upp förbättrade siffror i en kolumn!

Dessutom är det så att utanförskapet i sig framkallar stress och ytterligare bidrar till ett tvåtredjedelssamhälle.

Sätt stopp för detta! Rösta bort regeringen Persson!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


It's Sunday and it's been a very good weekend! My Mexican friend Jarmo is back in town and we just had a blast on Friday! Anyway, this isn't a diary, I just thought this might be a good place to maintain a list of ales. So here it is:

Bishops Finger - very nice
Founders - boring
Hobgoblin - good
Innis & Gunn - good
Ruddles County - good
Rusty - Dublin bar Messrs McGuires own ale, quite nice
Spitfire - the best?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Israely aggression

Hatred feedes hatred. As long as the weak (the Palestinians) are oppressed by the strong (the Israeli) hatred will feed and terrorists will be borned. The only solution is to make Palestine prosporous, give their dignity and a chance of leeding normal lives back. The Israeli must follow the words of Jesus and turn the other cheek. It takes courage, but it's the only way.

Jostein Gaarder, a Norwegian writer, puts it well in his article "Guds utvalgte folk". For those able to read norwegian:

What he says is basically that Israel has gone too far, that it's about time for the world to tell them to stop the violence, that the Jews are not God's chosen people who can act as they please.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Starting a blog!

Yeah, this is it! :) Just what I wanted for years - a place to collect my thoughts. I think a lot, you see, and read a lot, filter shit-loads of information with the aim of finding The Truth. Because I think there is always either a correct answer or no answer at all to every question. "Is there a God?" We cannot know. "What is 1+1?" 2. And so forth... But then again, my memory stinks. So I study a subject, find the answer and usually remember that answer, but I can seldom recall how I got there! So, convincing others of the truth is hard.

But this is it! Even better - others can comment on my thoughts and help me along the path.

But why now? Blogs have been around for more than a decade! Well... I've played, studied and worked with computers and computer systems for 15 years, have an MScEE degree and work as a consultant in the area of embedded systems. But I'm not an early adopter, no tech freak. And, I must confess, sometimes I can be blind, not realizing the potential of a certain technology at the first glimpse. But, even though I'm not the fastest guy around, eventually I realise my mistake and take action!